In case you plan a trip to Russia as well as to any other foreign country, you are sure to realize that your impression of a stay here will be much more vivid and interesting if you are able to speak and understand at least a little of the language. The Russian alphabet does not imply the Latin alphabet but the Cyril Alphabet which has 33 characters and is used for the written form of not just Russian but also several Slavic languages. Russian text is actually much simpler to read than English. It doesn't take long to get used to the new alphabet. In general a word is pronounced as it is written, unlike English. Following phrases will be useful for a start.
Below is a table detailing how each letter is written and the related sound it makes when read: N.B. 'ё' is often written just as 'е', which may be somewhat confusing at first when reading Russian texts not written specifically for foreigners.
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